Monday, September 10, 2007

my 15th birthday

well....its my fifteenth birthday.....i was expecting a couple people to call me n wish me...but nuthing old classmate of mine (whose bday is also today) was the only one who bothered...someone i never expected to....jus realised wot good frnds we were....its ok though...i don wish a lot of ppl at its wrong to expect...hoping sumthing amazing will happen (not necessarily to me....i wudn mind bin laden surrendering or anything either) sure nuthing will happen....n im finally getting a bday present this yr (after a long time)....seems no one in my hous realised its my birthday yet (again...i wasn expecting them to anyway)....

.....played football in the rain today...had amazing fun....theres nothing in the world lik it...n i jus realised...not many other things bring ppl together lik football does....there were three of us playing in the rain...ten minutes later there were 9....4 street kids we've never seen before...n two other kids (whom we've never seen either).....we jus played n laughed n celebrated together...thought tht if the whole world played footbal all the time....we wudn hav any problems tht we hav today wid politics n terrorism n going to play fifa 08 now....jus downloaded it today....hoping the ppl who din wish me now wish me in the morning atleast....n i hope i get more than tht one bday present i kno im gettin.....

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