Friday, September 14, 2007

evolution of cricket

the post title makes a lot of sense yeah.....but im sure the post wont make a lot of sense....cuz my thoughts arent really organized right now...i'll just jot down wot im thinking bout cricket right now.....

a hundred years was wot rich english dudes did when they had nothing to do (it was literally game that was invented to waste time)...then it became a sport which constantly broke records for its longevity...lasts bloody 5 days n people think its kool or whatever....n then even the cricketers got bored of cricket n around 15 yrs ago...they invented one day cricket (thank God!)...n they finally had coloured kits (finally! ppl could make out the difference between an englishman and an australian)......the game now only had 600 deliveries (down from 10932759843275 x 10^20).....n it was still kinda boring...but definitely a big improvement....n recently they came up wid twenty20 the game is down to 240 deliveries.....n theres a time limit (which is a good thing...cuz cricketers have this thing for wasting time...n u feel lik kiking their buttocks for tht lol) the games supposed to be much more exiting....cuz the batsmen are supposed to be taking out all their life's frustration on the poor cricket ball) ...n theres a league now....based on the football english premier league...which is kool....definitely...cuz the epl is a lot of this ought to be fun too.....if it aint...then god save cricket cuz no one will be able to....

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